Who am I?

- ~Iffy~ @ StayAtHomeNation
- Hi, I'm Cameron (aka Iffy), a stay at home mother to 4 beautiful children. My family is my life! I am not crafty by nature....but I am learning =D I will share my experiences with you(good & bad) with crafts, DIY, cooking, and life. I say what's on my mind, and remain honest, it's just who I am. Love it or leave it =D So follow me and see my progress as I document my journey, and If All Else Fails....at least you have gained a friend and gotten some great tips or maybe learned something new along the way!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Amazon, Gymboree, & Diapers codes
Even though I have 2 little ones in diapers (18months & 3 months) I have not purchased any from any of these sites(they are some GREAT deals though I hear). I wanted to share these codes with whoever could use em, especially since they expire today or soon.
Please, please, please if you use a code post a comment so others will know that it is not gonna work for them. Basically it's a first come first serve sorta thing.
And please don't be greedy and take them all, just take one so others will get a chance to use them too.
Please note these are all freshly torn from my magazines and have not been used as of my posting them right now =D
Gymboree 20% off 116KPGLSSH84262 exp 3/31/11
diapers.com 15% off & free 2 day shipping PTGMAR11 exp 6/30/11
Amazon.com $10 off 5JLL-L652BK-GSCFED exp 3/31/11
(Please let me know if you have any problems, and thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to follow me too for more awesomeness to come)
Monday, March 28, 2011
Monday...rainy Monday
Hello there, hope you all had a great weekend. We got quite a bit taken care of around the house this weekend, since we were kept inside with all sorts of storms. Thankfully we didn't get any hail, but my goodness people sent in pics on the news with hail the size of a baseball! That's CRAZY!! I've heard of that but never seen it, and thank goodness I didn't witness it for myself! So today we took Michaela in for her 18 month visit and while waiting for the Dr. my husband & I brainstormed all the words she says. It was over 50, which the nurses were pretty impressed with. Poor little monkey got 2 shots though. OK well off to get the humidifier running for Landon (almost 3months old) with 3 older siblings I'm glad he hasn't caught anything before now, but alas he has a stuffy nose I hate doing the saline & suction....they hate it so much. Sometimes it works and sometimes seems to do nothing, they're so helpless at this age.. Until next time....
Friday, March 25, 2011
Kid's Chore Bucket/List
This one is such a great idea.
The kiddies get to pick which chores they want to do! Just think, it may even get them to try to 'out do' each other, or even race to do certain chores(bigger reward) before the other one(s) can.
Check em out below.
My inspiration came from Jami over at Freckled Laundry how clever is she!?!
You will need
1 main chore bucket, then
1 bucket per child
pack of craft sticks
chalkboard paint
painter's tape
paint brush
chalk marker
Put the painter's tape on your buckets to mark off where you want the chalkboard paint to go, and paint your sticks. I did one coat on the sticks and 2 horizontal coats on the buckets.
Below is the paint I used
Let them dry overnight between coats & before removing tape.
Once dry remove the tape.
Uhhhh not what I was expecting to see. =(
I guess I will try some of that frog tape for future projects....
That's what'm here for, so you can learn from my mistakes. ( I will not be using blue tape again.)
The chalkboard bleed easily scraped off of the bucket (I just hope the part I want to stay doesn't come off so easily.)
I bought these Chalk Markers from Michael's.
Use them to write on your buckets & sticks.
(Why not regular chalk you ask? I tried that and it comes right off. Not good for when little hands with be reaching in to find their chore of choice and smear it)
OK, so as I become more comfortable with my blog I will reveal more about myself and my family, our identities, photos, & whatever else.
I was going to label these #1, #2, #3, #4 but decided to put their names. Though the 2 little ones are too young to use this, I am hoping it'll work like a charm and it'll be something we continue to use.
I labeled them with the chore on one side(make as many of the same chores as you want to get done in a one week period.)
I made 7x Set Table,
7x Clear Dishes,
1x for Trash day,
1x vacuum(just realized I put an extra "c" -oops),
1x Sweep,
7x Recycle Bin,
7x Pick up toys.
On the flip side of the stick I put the $ amount each chore was worth. You can customize them with whatever chores you deem deserving of reward & what that reward will be.
My husband and I do not feel that brushing your teeth, manners, or making their beds were things that were deserving of a monetary reward,
but rather those(among others) are things that they should just do.
So pretty simple right?
It may just be what your family needs to get the kiddies excited about helping out!
As each chore is completed (to the parents satisfaction) they put that stick into their bucket.
At the end of the week you tally up what they've earned and drop the sticks back into the main bucket and you are ready to start again the next week!
Awesome =D
Oh one more thing......one downside to the chalk marker.....
it doesn't come off completely.
I used a wet cloth as recommended but this is how it looked after.
Hmmm for $12.99 a pack of 4 I was hoping for more.
Just a heads up for you.
So where as the white showed up better on the black chalkboard, the colored markers came off almost completely when needed.
And so it begins......
Last year my hubby & I attempted to grow some things in the garden. We got a late start on it and only were able to use cherry tomatoes, basil, & a small watermelon. So this year we started early.
This is only after 1.5 weeks.
Look at em grow!
They will go in the ground this weekend for sure. I love to see so much life in this little seed starter kit, after all, our thumbs are not at all green : ) There is just something so satisfying to see something grow that you have helped make, and the food just tastes so much better fresh & free of pesticides!
Are you growing anything in your gardens this year? If so, what are you planting?
Link for Boys Shirt Contest
There is a contest going on by Cheri over at I Am Momma - Hear Me Roar so if you have a boys shirt you have made in the month of March you should enter it!
Yesterday I just posted my first craft tutorial for the freezer paper stencil t-shirts I did for my nephew, and I am entering these 2 into the contest.
Wish me luck!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Freezer Paper Stenciled Boys T-Shirts
Super Cute, Super Easy! I made these for my nephew's 2nd birthday.
I was pretty impressed with how they turned out honestly. If you have not yet tried to freezer paper stencil yet, let me warn you-once you do, you will be hooked. =D
Look at how mine turned out.
I was pretty impressed with how they turned out honestly. If you have not yet tried to freezer paper stencil yet, let me warn you-once you do, you will be hooked. =D
Look at how mine turned out.
The one on the top left is a saying my nephew says all the time, "Yeah baby, Go Baby" He's so cute.Then I did the lower left one because he loves zoo animals....I mean what kid doesn't right?
I looked online for "silhouette images" of the certain animals I wanted and then traced them onto the freezer paper(shiny side down) through my computer screen.......yes yes, you do what you gotta do when you are not fortunate enough to have one of those nifty little machines that cut images and just about everything else you could ever dream of.
I'm just waiting for them to add the "clean house" feature before I buy one lol
Just joking, although I am super jealous and wish I had one ; )
One day....I will have one to call my own.
So I cut the images out very carefully with an x-acto knife(put something thick underneath) I used a piece of cork board with success. I had first tried a piece of cardboard under but the lines in it kept me from making clean lines, and I tried a wood cutting board too but had the same problem.
Once the images were all cut out I heated my iron; use the cotton setting and no steam.
Lay the cut out freezer paper images shiny side down on your shirt and iron over keeping the iron moving until a nice seal is formed(3-5 min).
Make sure to put cardboard or a sheet of freezer paper inside your shirt to keep it from bleeding through to the back.
I used the fabric spray paint and sprayed green pretty heavily at the bottom, blue moderately across the middle, and orange heavy around the sun but very lightly tapering away from it and towards the sleeves.
Loved this look!
Once it dried overnight, I peeled the freezer paper off and
The Recycle one I did slightly different. First I put the cut out image down, same as the animals from above; then sprayed green & blue all over.
Once that dried, I pulled off that paper, then lightly ironed the "outside stencil"of the image(aka the leftovers of your cut out image) down on top of the shirt and slightly offset the image to my liking.
I used black fabric paint and a painted it with a foam brush. Once dry, I pulled it off and this is my favorite!
I love how it looks all shadowy.
I cannot wait to see my little nephew in these shirts. Thank you to Dana over at MADE for my inspiration.
You really should try to make some for yourself! Great for kids of any age. Do you like em?

I Figured It Out!! How to change your Blogger URL
First: Go to Settings
Next: Click on Publishing
Then: Enter the new URL you wish to have(it will tell you if it's available or not).
Validate with word verification, hit submit, AND...
There you have it, a new URL that you are happy with : D I am personally very happy since I figured it out, got a URL I like much better, posted with a link AND images(both of those are first for me on my blog). Yay! I hope this helps some of you newbies like me, and perhaps even some of you who have been blogging a while. This is just the start of many more useful posts yet to come, so follow me to see more! Thanks so much!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
R.I.P. ~Elizabeth Taylor 1932-2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
This is a first...
I am a tell it like it is kinda girl, and that is exactly what I plan to do here. I will share information, tips, blogs I love, crafts I have found & actually done(please keep in mind I have just started crafting as of xmas 2010), stories of my life, random thoughts, reviews of products & a great recipe from time to time. I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, an aunt, and so much more. In this blog, as in my life, I hold honesty as the most important quality one can have. I will always be honest, and some of you may not always agree with what I have to say, but that is the beauty of this being my blog and my opinions. I am open and in desperate need of any tips/know how from any of you experienced bloggers who would like to help me get up to speed with anything that may be helpful knowledge of the blogging world. I am keeping my identity a secret for now but you can call me Iffy. I hope you stick around and see my progress, should be interesting : D
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