Who am I?

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Hi, I'm Cameron (aka Iffy), a stay at home mother to 4 beautiful children. My family is my life! I am not crafty by nature....but I am learning =D I will share my experiences with you(good & bad) with crafts, DIY, cooking, and life. I say what's on my mind, and remain honest, it's just who I am. Love it or leave it =D So follow me and see my progress as I document my journey, and If All Else Fails....at least you have gained a friend and gotten some great tips or maybe learned something new along the way!

Friday, February 24, 2012

My Favorite Things Friday Link Party ~ #30

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The weather here in Alpharetta, Ga has been 
b-e-a-u-ti-ful yesterday & now today is starting off perfectly too
so needless I won't be on the computer much today either. It's supposed to storm
later so we want to get in as much sunshine & fresh air as we can. I mean it's February & was in the 
70s yesterday! SO nice! 
How's your weather? I don't know about you but I have Spring Fever
for sure! I'm going to make a Spring wreath soon but I just don't think I can top
my Spring wreath from last year(it was my first wreath ever).  It turned out exactly as I envisioned
so I may do something in a completely different direction this year.
Did I mention I'm ready for Spring? ;)
You can check out the full tutorial HERE 
and be sure to let me know what you think =D

Now let's see who made it into my 
Stay At Home Nation Spotlight this week....
It All Started With Paint has some really great before & after redos like this entryway
The Moody Fashionista shared a really cute & simply way to spruce up your band aids
And I cannot get over these cute presidents pancakes from Kitchen Fun with My Three Sons
Wow so many great posts! If you were featured then grab a button(I only have the one for now) & post
it proudly! 
Thank you all who linked up
& if you missed last weeks party, no worries because you can go ahead & link up this week!

All I ask is if you link up, please only link up "new" posts, & 
"new" as in = new to my blog. It could be a year old and as long as it is new to my blog then go ahead link away! You don't have to follow me but it's the nice thing to do(especially if you have been to more than
1 of my parties) and please post my button (located at the top of my sidebar) somewhere on
your blog or post so that others can come party too! 
Remember there is a new party every Friday!
Thank you in advance!

Much love

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

My Favorite Things Friday Link Party ~ #29 Real as Real Can Be....

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I feel like the older I get, the more complicated life has gotten, & rightfully so
with 6 people growing together under one roof. It's like a crock pot brewing 6 separate
flavors, each bringing their own uniqueness to the dish. Sometimes you question how well everything will
blend together in the end result, but after 8 hours on low you sit down to a dish that is definitely a keeper.
Well that's how I am feeling today. Although I am using a crock pot as a metaphor,
I am sure you probably know what I am saying. I am not the first person
to have a teenager, or a 7 year old who has perfected eye rolling & always tries to have the final word, nor 
am I the first person to have 2 little ones 15 months apart with a 2 year old who, without warning, can throw the mother of all tantrums with ear piercing shrieks that would put Mariah Carey to shame. 
What I am trying to say is that it's a whole other ballgame when it is all happening under one roof. 
I am not complaining, and these will be some of the things that we look back on when my children are grown & married, and possibly even with kids of their own, 
and laugh.
I hope there are plenty of awesome memories in there too! 
SOoooooooo with that being said, I know as a parent sometimes things pop up that are out
of your control & as a result cause you delay.  This can be anything from a last minute poopy diaper that
causes you to leave late for an appointment, weather, a nap that runs over, or just the
time it takes to gather everything you need for leaving the house.  Even as prepared as you
try to be, sometimes things happen that cause you delay.  It's OK & hopefully people understand
as long as you keep them posted.  
I know today is Saturday, and I'm posting My Favorite Things "Friday" Party but as I 
mentioned above, sometimes things happen that are out of your control......
(see there was a point to my rambling thoughts). Our internet was down yesterday
for no apparent reason, I mean it was beautiful outside so maybe someone knocked it out. I'm not sure but 
it is back to normal now & so it's time to party!

Just link up & have fun! Welcome to my party, please play nice & visit others too!
I would appreciate it if you post my button somewhere on your blog & help spread the word
about my party =D
I hope to see you back next Friday too! 
Much Love

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Simplify 2012 ~ Valentine's Day

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I missed this week's party -sorry :/  but it gets so busy around the holidays 
here in my home. Sometimes, time gets away from me.
I decided to make a Valentine's Day Coconut Cake for my sweets ~ all 5 of them!
I typically make my sweets from scratch but I had a limited amount of time so
I used boxed cake mix -GASP- I know I know but it actually tasted pretty good.
I didn't know Duncan Hines made boxed coconut cake mix so I gave it a whirl. Since
I was on a roll with the whole store bought stuff, I used a can of vanilla frosting to top it off.
Talk about keeping it simple right?
I did add coconut to the top & candles. =D Landon & Michaela must have thought it
was their birthdays again or something lol. I mean hey around here it's always
some one's birthday. 
I didn't have any red colored sugar so I improvised
A few drops in a bowl of sugar, mixed with a fork worked well enough.
I sprinkled it on top
we had to fight off little hands that wanted to dig right in.

I think Landon liked it...
every crumb of it.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

Hey just wondering if I can get some suggestions on the quickest & most user friendly
photo editing program. Since picnik is going away soon I need to find a program
that I can edit, re size, etc photos without taking a ton of time. Just curious if any of
you had any recommendations?
Thanks in advance! 
Much Love

Friday, February 3, 2012

My Favorite Things Friday Link Party ~ #28 & Getting Organized Where to Begin?

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Hello all,
  I was in such horrible pain with my shoulder & my back yesterday that I didn't feel like getting on 
the computer, so sorry for the delay but the party is here now!

First though, I wanted to share with you a great website I stumbled upon the other day
called FlyLady. She has given me the inspiration of where to begin with getting
my house organized. If you are like me (4 kids or 1) then you know how quickly
the house can get wrecked. I have been feeling like the house is taking over here lately. 
I mean between the dishes in the sink, to the overflowing clothes in the laundry room, to 
the massive amount of toys that need to be put in their places.
I pick up here & there, I try to vacuum the downstairs twice a day, and start a load of clothes, help with homework, empty the dishes, & start dinner, then it's bath time, then there are clothes to fold...
I am just all over the place
& I feel like with as much as I get done each day, I feel that I can never get
caught up. 

today is different, TODAY is the day I get back on track!
So let's start to Simplify 2012 together with the kitchen!
You should read the post about starting with a clean sink & why.
You just have to make it a priority & don't let it get the best of you! 

Anyways I have a nice clean sink, all the counters are clean & you can see them lol,
everything is wiped down & disinfected (which makes a germ-a-phobe like me feel at ease)
& I am making an announcement tonight that all dirty dishes go straight into the dishwasher after a 
quick rinse. This way the sink is always ready for when I need to prep for dinner.
I feel SO much better already & motivated to move onto the next step.

Much Love

Alright so onto the par-tay this week!
I would LOVE for you to link up any Valentines Day projects
or recipes, but you can link up whatever you link
just make sure you haven't posted it here before.
(People don't like to see the same posts over & over- no offense)
Grab my button & post it somewhere on your blog please so others know
there is a party going on over here =D

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